"Dear Daddy, I write you in spite of years of silence"

Monday, November 07, 2005

My past life

AIM is one of the greatest tools of all time, or maybe trillian. I hated AOL and everything about with a passion since it started, back about 6-7 years ago, but since I have started using AIM I don't ahte it nearly as much and I get to keep in contact with people from high school, Nam Nguyen being who I talk to the most. I find this wierd since I never did anything with him outside of school so we weren't that close but I guess having five classes together will do that to you. Here are a few of our conversations:

[15:14] Nammer 99: i ordered a zippo online thought
[15:14] Nammer 99: *though
[15:14] burndtscorcho86: what's that
[15:14] Nammer 99: a lighter
[15:14] Nammer 99: a very shiny lighter
[15:14] burndtscorcho86: and you got that why?
[15:15] Nammer 99: math
[15:15] burndtscorcho86: you need a lighter for math
[15:15] Nammer 99: i need a lighter because of math
[15:15] burndtscorcho86: to burn your bad grades
[15:15] burndtscorcho86: cuz I don't approve of you smiking
[15:15] Nammer 99: grades...teachers...whatever
[15:15] burndtscorcho86: *smoking
[15:15] Nammer 99: i don't approve of smiking either
[15:16] Nammer 99: it sounds dirty
[15:16] burndtscorcho86: smile+liking=smiking
[15:16] burndtscorcho86: dirty indeed
[15:17] burndtscorcho86: so what sports are you doing
[15:17] Nammer 99: *cough*retard*cough*
[15:17] burndtscorcho86: you should get that checked out
[15:17] Nammer 99: i'm going to take bowling for gym next semester
[15:17] burndtscorcho86: lol
[15:18] Nammer 99: i have to learn how to swim this one
[15:18] burndtscorcho86: you don't know?
[15:18] Nammer 99: nope, see you could have lowered all the curves in high school just by pushing me in a little water
[15:19] burndtscorcho86: gah, if only I had known your weakness

[02:14] burndtscorcho86: update your version
[02:15] Nammer 99: update your ass
[02:15] burndtscorcho86: why
[02:15] burndtscorcho86: don't get mad at me b/c your version sucks
[02:17] Nammer 99: don't tell me how to feel
[02:17] Nammer 99: you don't own me
[02:17] burndtscorcho86: but youre a robot
[02:17] Nammer 99: okay, that was just dumb
[02:17] burndtscorcho86: so in a way I am your father
[02:17] Nammer 99: and it just got worst
[02:17] Nammer 99: idiot
[02:18] burndtscorcho86: dont talk to your father that way
[02:18] burndtscorcho86: and get off your lazy ass and get a job
[02:18] Nammer 99: okay, i'm going to block you now
[02:18] burndtscorcho86: when I was your age I had three jobs and walked uphill to and from all of them
[02:19] burndtscorcho86: k sorry done
[02:19] burndtscorcho86: I'll let you get to sleep
[02:20] Nammer 99: i'm still not sleepy
[02:20] Nammer 99: i swear, there is a ridiculoius amount of caffine in mountain dew
[02:20] burndtscorcho86: I don't care it's past your bedtime mister
[02:20] burndtscorcho86: loll
[02:21] burndtscorcho86: right then
[02:21] Nammer 99: right
[02:22] burndtscorcho86: no we took a left at the last right so we want to turn left here
[02:22] burndtscorcho86: crap
[02:22] burndtscorcho86: brain fart
[02:22] burndtscorcho86: :(|)
[02:22] Nammer 99: seriously, someone must have dropped you as a child
[02:23] burndtscorcho86: yeah down the stairs, didn't I tell you
[02:24] burndtscorcho86: or maye that was the whole fell down the stairs with a pen in his mouth thing
[02:24] burndtscorcho86: *maybe
[02:24] Nammer 99: lalalalalalalalalalalalala, i'm ignoring you, i don't hear anything
[02:25] burndtscorcho86: you think Im joking
[02:25] burndtscorcho86: back when I lived im Minneapolis
[02:26] burndtscorcho86: and of course you don't hear anything I'm writing to you
[02:26] Nammer 99: shut up
[02:26] burndtscorcho86: ha i win
[02:26] Nammer 99: just do it
[02:26] burndtscorcho86: what
[02:27] burndtscorcho86: is it
[02:28] Nammer 99: you are driving me insane
[02:28] Nammer 99: seriously, its like, i can't think strait, i don't need you being all weird
[02:29] burndtscorcho86: lol
[02:29] burndtscorcho86: k well next time we'll have a serious discussion

I know these are long and take up alot of room but I find them very amusing when I'm bored and really this is the only time I get to be like myself. I don't think the people I hang out with are quite ready to experience me when I'm not contained somehow. I've been told I have a very dry sense in humor...opposed to a wet one, I guess, but I am a very wierd person when I'm in the mood. Usually it's just tons of very odd references that don't make any sense unless you are me, even if you know what the reference is.
The Scorcho 12:37 AM


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