"Dear Daddy, I write you in spite of years of silence"

Monday, November 14, 2005

"So why am I still feeling blue?"

House of Leaves.
I finished it. If you can finish this book.
It's more of an experience that anything else.
I think I need to reread it, but I can't. I lent it to my friend to read. God, I hope he
finishes soon...even though I gave it to him earlier today.
A book about a book about a documentary of a house and the inhabitants in it, that does not exist , or at least can't be found anywhere...crazy.
I can't find the words to explain this, and I have trouble not thinking about it. Gah!
Deep book and is definately worth a read if you have the time to get lost in it and then obsess over it for a while afterwards.

Oh, the house thing; part of the book, nobody really knows why but the word "house" is always in blue, wierd...right?

Well I choose this for the blue thing but it's a great song in itself.

"Blast Off", an unreleased song on an unreleased album, which we all hope will one day see the light of day.
The Scorcho 10:21 PM


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