"Dear Daddy, I write you in spite of years of silence"

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

"Afraid it's not your style/ Afriad it's not right/ Afriad of coming on too strong"

You know what would be cool, if I could talk to people like I see most people talk to each other. And maybe they don't notice it but I do. It seems obvious to me. People talk about things and the other person will talk about it, too, and I'll usually listen to them or a group talking and just listen. And I'm happy like that; I'm just fine not talking alot. That's not the problem, though. The problem is that when I do have something to say I usually still don't say anything; my thoughts being "oh, they don't care about that" or "well, they kinda moved on to a different topic, it'd be weird to just go back to that one". That's what I hate. I know I can be more social and some of the people that know me well know that I can be, but lots of people and people that don't know me so well, or people I just don't say much around, because I don't want to look stupid around them. I want them to like me, so I try not to do stupid things, which in turn means I do nothing and then they don't get to know me and then, guess what, they don't really care about me. Hmm, it's all very complicated. I think I was I little more outgoing and willing to take chances my life would be much better, but I don't so nobody knows how I truly feel and I just live with what comes my way. I need a big change to happen and happen soon. I'm sick and tired of it. Finals being here doesn't help any either.

Sorry if you were you hoping for something funny, but I need to work some things out so until then don't expect much.

I Need Some Touch
The Scorcho 12:06 AM


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