"Dear Daddy, I write you in spite of years of silence"

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

"But when we wake/ It's all been erased/ And so it seems/ Only in dreams"

So I had one crazy ass dream last night.
It starts and I'm sleeping outside on a hill leading down to a cliff on an ravine or lakefront. My mom comes and finds me to wake me up commenting how I wasn't already up and the machines weren't pulling their weight, then a small flying machine comes up from the ravine and zooms around and flies off over some houses and stores. She returns inside and I continue to lie on the grass, when out of the sky a fighter plane falls from the sky and skids around the hill almost in a circle and nearly hits me but I jump over the nose of it as it comes toward me. I run to the cockpit to see what had happened to see another fighter plane fly over head, followed by others. I run inside and find a group of people watching TV who are unaware of what just happened, I for some reason know that somebody on the TV know about what has happened so I try to change the channel but can't find the right channel because it keeps skipping channels. The boy with the remote helps and finds a channel with Bush on it, so we watch that, to discover that Bush hadn't a clue as the what was going on. I ran out the the front of the building to the street to find more planes flying overhead, almost dive-bombing the cars on the street and one runs into a car's left back door, and pulls up, soon after a car drives through all the busy traffic scattereing all the cars as they try to get out of the way like it's going the wrong way on the street but it's not. I run down the street but decide to go back to the downed plane and move it close to the building so it can be used as a porch. I decide to look inside the cockpit to find it empty, and look in the glove compartment to try to see who was flying it. While looking through it I find some rather odd things: a superman action figure, notes, homework, legal documents. I seems this person was named Diane Wall, which suprised me because I initailly thought it was a male. Regardless I wanted to let her family know what had happened to her. I also found things implying that she was very smart and very young to be flying a plane. I don't remember anything after that.

Well, I'm off to bed for an early and final final tomorrow morning.

Only in Dreams
Weezer (The Blue Album)
The Scorcho 11:37 AM


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