"Dear Daddy, I write you in spite of years of silence"

Thursday, December 15, 2005

"It's been a year or two since I was out on the floor/ Shakin' booty, makin' sweet love all the night/ It's time I got back to the good life"

Well, tonight I went clubbing at Madison Aveune. A very interesting experinece that shall never happen again; in the words of Inspector Gadget "wowzers, penny, what the hell just happened". That of course is from the uncut version of the show which few ever saw. I suppose it was good to get it out of the way and over with; I can say that I have tried it. Very awkward for me, me being a not touchy-feely person, having somebody "grind" against you for a good twenty minutes. Monica, it was nice to meet you, Diane (whoever the hell you are), how do you know my brother that's five years younger than me. Kelsey, Rocio, Katrina, Rachel and Ariel, I'm looking at you. It was not just an experinece thought, it was also educational. I was able to see how the mating ritual is supposed to happen. The females dance in the middle with the many males sulking around the sides, looking in, selecting their prey, and then they pounce and attach themselves to the female's body, and then they grind and grind and grind and grind and then ask for a phone number and then grind some more. If I ever go back I'm bringing a video camera so I can tape it and send it to National Geographic or Animal Planet.

Sunday was Katrina's Birthday and my first performance of sorts. I played or serenaded a song for the group, "Island in the Sun" by, of course, Weezer, and it's actually playing as I write this. Being my first performance of any kind it was pretty intimidating and pretty much sucked but after that I was much more comfortable and the second time I played it was much better. It's beyond me how Rivers can play guitar and sing at the same time on some of these songs, doing one isn't hard but trying to do both is like trying to "fit a basketball through a bb-gun".

Lastly, at least for tonight, Finals!! They be coming so ye best be prepared. I have one in, well about 56 hours. More to come tomorrow.

The Good Life
The Scorcho 1:56 AM


oh, andru. those pictures were meant to spread the net like the common cold virus.

and i agree with you on the whole mating ritual thing. the sulky guys are probably the creepiest people ever.
oh, i forgot! mind if i link you? cuz i just did.

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