"Dear Daddy, I write you in spite of years of silence"

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"I write these stupid words/ And I love every one/ Waiting there for me/ Yes I do, I do"

Being back in college again makes me happy. I've grown accustom to it. Watching nineteen James Bond films straight makes me crazy. I've grown punnier from it. All in all it's made me a better person...somehow. I've decided to make a henna tattoo on my arm of a giant tree which WILL happen by Sunday; the details haven't been worked out yet.

Classes start later today and I'm forward to a good semester. Things to come this week:
Also I'm glad to report that my acquisition of an Xbox360 has made little impact on my dorm life thanks to the fact that I'm not telling every living soul about it or there would be twelve drunk guys in my room playing FIFA right now, something neither Jacob nor I need/want.

This blog will return
"Take a listen/ Around you/ All the people/ That crowd around in your house"

In The Garage
Weezer (The Blue Album)
The Scorcho 1:06 AM


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