"Dear Daddy, I write you in spite of years of silence"

Saturday, January 28, 2006

"Wastin time, on my own/ Sleep, rescue me/ Take me back to my home"

The best Friday ever:

I started my Friday with some Badminton for about an hour before I headed off to catch some zzz.
I slept. It was good. I awoke. It sucked. Classes as usual. No breakfast as usual, which means I didn't eat until around 1pm. I finished class. I watched a scholarship competition aka Miss America. Boredom set in. I played 3-d tic-tac-toe. Chinese food was ordered. It was overpriced and they gave us the wrong sizes. We watched "Sphere". We watched "X-men". Boredom set in. We sat in the hall outside Wilson's room. We watched a Richard Simmons Disco workout tape, maybe I'll participate next time. I saved Richard Simmons from the VCR. Friday was over. A little more boredom. Watched "Mean Girls".

Definately not the most exciting of days but it does have a deeper meaning if you are willing to look for it and if you're not...well you can read the next sentence. When boredom sets in like this and you ask somebody, "What do you want to do?" and they answer, "I don't know," that is a sign, a sign of true friendship. It means you still want to be around them even when there is absolutely nothing to do. After today I feel that I can say that my friends at college are just as close as my friends back home. Before now they were still friends but it was still different then your friendship with the people you spent the last x years of life with.

So to those reading this depending on your side: you are now an equal or you have just been equaled. Congrats or suck it.

Phase 3 of the plan will now commence.

Dope Nose
The Scorcho 2:39 AM


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