"Dear Daddy, I write you in spite of years of silence"

Friday, February 03, 2006

"For the times/ That you wanna go and/ Bust ryhmes real slow"


I probably should have done this earlier in the school year. This is my friends band. You should all check them out and get their stuff from me from mytunes. Do it! Do it now!

Songs that are getting ready for performances:
Be Yourself- Audioslave
3 Libras- A Perfect Circle
The Warmth- Incubus
Arabian Song- Quixotic
Say It Ain't So- Weezer
Island in the Sun- Weezer
Good Riddance- Green Day
Everlong- Foo Fighters
Stellar- Incubus
Perfect Situation/El Scorcho- Weezer
Black Hole Sun- Soundgarden
Doesn't Remind Me- Audioslave

If there are any other songs you feel are worth while for me to learn leave a comment or find me.
The Scorcho 6:35 PM


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