"Dear Daddy, I write you in spite of years of silence"

Monday, February 27, 2006

"See a suite in floral print/ My mind begins the arrangement"

I'm a little homesick as of late. I miss my family and my high school friends. I guess it's about time that this happened because it should have happened much earlier this school year. I miss my dog and actual food. Luckily we are close enough to spring break that I should be able to make it until then without totally breaking down, given I have no idea what that would be like we're going to try to avoid it.

In between that and being actually sick for once in my life, I took off two days of class. I've narrowed it down to two possibilities of how I managed to get sick. One: The chinese restuarant that we went to got me sick...the one that's known for having food that gets people sick. Or two: the Christians are trying to get me. They gave me a free water bottle , no doubt lined with disease causing bacteria and viruses, which is how they sway you. Then if all goes well they do nothing but, heaven forbid, the water bottle wasn't enough insentive, they turn on all the bacteria and viruses and they attack. I'm one step ahead of them though. I know their next move. Soon they'll be passing out free vaccinations for their evil infections, and if you don't take those they'll just let you die. That's right! The crusades continue! Luckily, I have a pitchfork and torch to defend my polytheistic beliefs, my all female polytheistic beliefs, and according to my beautiful gods intelligent design is a lot of rubbash. Random, unintelligable design! That's what they advocate. Slap a nose on there and hope it sticks. Overhaul the ear, clean out the filter and check the foot pressure and hope nothing falls out the bottom. That's the way to do it. Fuck yeah, fuck yeah.

Vagina monologues took place Friday night. Yippee. Vaginas for everyone!...or, at least half of everyone. Strange, hilarious, morbid, informative and many more adjectives as well. I should talk more about this since it was a very good show but I don't really want to. Go see it, enjoy it yourself and become vagina friendly. My personnal favorite line "VAGINA MOTHERFUCKER!"

*I am running low on things to talk about so I have looked back over my posts from the beginning of the year and noticed one thing in particular: I have no idea how to spell simple words. Yes, I know. Thank you. Yes, I am gifted. Please, I'm not done. Hold your applause until the end.

*For those of you who have forgotten * is a Random Tangent which only appeared once so far before this so you are excused for forgetting.

Roommates! That's something to talk about. I'm signing up for a room tomorrow for next year; I'll be rooming with Brian. There will be alot of idea making in that room. We'll be suffocating ourselves in good ideas. Also, Katrina has stopped arguing with me. What's the point of having totally illogical arguments if there's no one the argue with. Very disappointing, really.

New Songs:
I Can Show You The World- Aladdin
Korobeiniki (Traditional Russian Folk Song)- Ozma a.k.a. The Tetris theme
Butterfly- Weezer

Pink Triangle

The Scorcho 12:15 AM


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