"Dear Daddy, I write you in spite of years of silence"

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

"When I'm feeling blue and lonely/ All I have to do is think of you"

Valentine's Day
Hallmark Day
International Weezer Day
Ferris Wheel Day
National Heart to Heart Day
Immigrants Day

Days I missed earlier this month:
4th Create a Vacuum Day
7th Love Your Robot Day
9th Toothache Day
13th Get a Different Name Day

Days I'm Looking Forward To:
15th National Sea Monkey Day
20th Harry Potter Day
23rd International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
26th National "For Pete's Sake" Day

It's Weezer Day. Well it was 27 minutes ago, but no longer. On the bright side only 365 more days until the next Weezer day. I hope you all did as many Weezertastic things as you could. I know I did. I listened to my weezer music and wore my weezer clothes and yeah...I think that's it really. I fleshed out a song dubbed (by Brian) "MegaDeath". It goes ja ja ja ja ga ga ga ga ja ja ja ja ga ga ga ga MEGADEATH weoo wo we bo do de weeooeoeoeeeoo.

Sex Out Loud- Very interesting, many people seem to be much more enlightened on the subject than I which I had expected. What I didn't expect was that sticking plugs up your ass makes sex better. Slightly uncomfortable at the beginning but I was jumping for joy by the end. I mean, my god, they had free condoms. I was filled with excitement as I rushed to my room with the one I had been able to secure and quickly put it in the safest place I could find. The trash can (It's where I keep all things dear to me: family pictures, financial staements, my diary well really it's a journal cuz guys don't have diaries. So if I'm ever out of the room you can look through all that maybe find my atm code, but please don't look in the diary that's for nobody's eyes). I have no need for it nor plan to have a need for it before the time it expires so why even bother keeping it. Right?

Well it's now 57 minutes past Weezer Day and definately time to get some sleep.

New Songs:
Sleep Now In The Fire- Rage Against The Machine
Hotel California- The Eagles

You Gave Your Love To Me Softly
Pinkerton B-side
The Scorcho 10:19 PM


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