"Dear Daddy, I write you in spite of years of silence"

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"My brain is working overtime/ I need something to ease my mind"

School is over and summer is here...ish.
I realize I haven't updated for a dousy of a time. I didn't really have anything interesting happen since the last time I updated but I guess there were a few things.
  1. I grew a beard
  2. I decided I was going to try to get in the comics page (I'll put up one tomorrow)
  3. Relay for Life
  4. umm...
  5. Parents visited for easter
  6. hmm...
  7. My parents came and picked me up. They made fun of me the whole way home because of my beard. How I looked like Jesus, and what not.
  8. The beard disappeared somehow. I think my family shaved it off during the night. And some of my hair grew backward into my head.
  9. Tomorrow I start job searching.
  10. My highschool friends had a great conversation with one of my college friends. They had fun anyways.
Nothing to rant about as of now.
I'm sure once I get a job there'll be much more sarcasm and such.

My Brain
The Scorcho 6:07 PM


dude you need to update 'cause i'm bored.

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