"Dear Daddy, I write you in spite of years of silence"

Thursday, June 08, 2006

"I know it's hard, cuz you got a lot to do"

My list of 50 things I came up with last year was sent back to me today from my teacher. As I lost my copy of it I'm very glad I got one copy back.

  1. Start a business
  2. Invent something and get it patented
  3. Go bungee jumping
  4. Go to Japan
  5. Go to Western Europe
  6. Go to Jerusalem
  7. Make my own musical CD
  8. View an Olympic opening ceremony
  9. Become a better cook
  10. Find my soul mate
  11. Make a significant contribution to society
  12. See the opera house in Sydney, Austrailia
  13. Eat in the Eiffel Tower
  14. Embarrass my parents in front of their friends
  15. Take two of something
  16. Run a marathon
  17. Listen to my grandfather about his life
  18. Learn a foreign language and be able to use it
  19. Make my own furniture
  20. Write an article and get it published
  21. Go on an archaeological dig
  22. Become a better public speaker
  23. Be interviewed by somebody
  24. Be an extra in a movie
  25. Paint a portrait of a friend
  26. Go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef
  27. Go to the center of the world off the coast of Africa
  28. Go to the Venice Canals
  29. Find a healthy snack that tastes good
  30. Attend a UN meeting
  31. Go to a World Cup game
  32. Get a hole in one
  33. Get Bill Watterson to make more Calvin and Hobbes
  34. Be the "cool" adult
  35. Celebrate Carnival in Sao Paulo
  36. Design my own house
  37. Bike the entirety of the Great Wall of China
  38. Go to Stone Hedge
  39. Make a crop circle
  40. Have a friendly relationship with someone famous
  41. Invent a word
  42. Scare little kids on Halloween
  43. Be in New York for New Year's Eve
  44. Send a letter in a bottle
  45. Take a shower in a waterfall
  46. Sleep in the middle of a field for a night
  47. Go to Las Vegas and come out ahead
  48. Become a better loser
  49. Swim with a dolphin
  50. Learn to say what I really mean

I think I've completed one of these so far and now I have something to do this summer.

The Scorcho 9:26 PM


ooh pretty :)
you've inspired me. i need to start one of those lists.

hope your summer has been going splendidly!

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