"Dear Daddy, I write you in spite of years of silence"

Monday, July 10, 2006

cows suck!

I leave for one night and my home goes to the dogs. I return to find a hideous cow skin rug in the front hall. Like a real cow skin with a brand. And worse it was from Ikea. After trying and failing to try to reason with my family I had only one options, I had to get rid of it. I swear my mom used to have a sense of style but it's pretty obvious that when I leave it follows me. Hiding it seemed the most logical anwser, but after being threatened by my parents to tell them where it was and them hiding my computer and then me taking all the car keys, I figured it was best to give in before they took away my tuition. I still stand by the fact that it's fugly.

I got a new job and am exhausted after only three days. Painting houses isn't that easy but it's still pretty fun; well as much fun as you can have painting houses. I think what I hate about it is the 45 minute commute and the $10 a day it takes to get there and back home.

I found this. I thought it was pretty cool.
The Scorcho 12:39 AM | 1 comments |