"Dear Daddy, I write you in spite of years of silence"

Saturday, August 12, 2006

"Everyone's a little queer/ Oh, can't see be a little straight"

I never thought the day would come, mainly because...well, it shouldn't happen. My parents confronted me about a certain shirt I had picked up over the last year. "Gay? Fine by me" apperently worried the bejebus out of them. They proceeded to ask why I had the shirt; if I supported gays or was gay. Yes, my parents questioned my sexually orientation based upon a shirt.


Pink Triangle
The Scorcho 1:48 AM | 1 comments |

Sunday, August 06, 2006

"Longtime Sunshine"

I've never left my life to chance or destiny, but I've recently run into a number of good omens. Fortune Cookies; the one real truth. "Success will come to you soon", "Success will come to you soon", and "You can open many door with a combination of charm and patience". Unfortuneately this means it can only get worse from here.

But on a brighter side "Little Miss Sunshine" is a movie to be seen. It's by far one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. End of Story. Go see it.

Longtime Sunshine
The Scorcho 9:17 PM | 0 comments |