"Dear Daddy, I write you in spite of years of silence"

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"My brain is working overtime/ I need something to ease my mind"

School is over and summer is here...ish.
I realize I haven't updated for a dousy of a time. I didn't really have anything interesting happen since the last time I updated but I guess there were a few things.
  1. I grew a beard
  2. I decided I was going to try to get in the comics page (I'll put up one tomorrow)
  3. Relay for Life
  4. umm...
  5. Parents visited for easter
  6. hmm...
  7. My parents came and picked me up. They made fun of me the whole way home because of my beard. How I looked like Jesus, and what not.
  8. The beard disappeared somehow. I think my family shaved it off during the night. And some of my hair grew backward into my head.
  9. Tomorrow I start job searching.
  10. My highschool friends had a great conversation with one of my college friends. They had fun anyways.
Nothing to rant about as of now.
I'm sure once I get a job there'll be much more sarcasm and such.

My Brain
The Scorcho 6:07 PM | 1 comments |

Friday, March 10, 2006

"Things were better then/ Once but never again/ We've all left the den/ Let me tell you 'bout it"

Quick post because I'm leaving for home soon (18 minutes).

Starting Feb 27th I began listening straight through my music library and have now made all the way to Nirvava which more than likely means it will be a good two more weeks before I'm done.

Bye everybody I don't get around to actually saying bye to.

Plans are to get something recorded over Spring Break probably won't happen but we'll see about that!

New Songs:
Mad World- Gary Jules
Hit Me Baby One More Time- Brittney Spears

My Name Is Jonas
Weezer (The Blue Album)
The Scorcho 2:39 PM | 0 comments |

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"I'd be happy/ For one moment/ Of my lifetime/ I'd be there"

I feel like updating again mainly because I'm bored, but also and most importantly I forgot to tell you that you can applaud now...well not now but at the end of this post. I'll remind you again, just in case. In the last two days I got back three midterms, all three As (A's?) which makes me pretty happy about live in general, probably because I put so little effort into them. It feels like high school again, ahh. To bask in the warmth of those years once more. It reminds me of something funny that once happened.

Since Monday I have been going alphabetically through all my music and now, two and a half days later, I'm on Bob Marley. Also on a spontaneous spur of spontaneity I will now be refering to people by the first syllable of their name followed by -icus ie. bobicus or johnicus. All exceptions are as follows: Ariicus, that is all. After several moments of thought I came to the conclusion that I am not likely to see anybody in the next half an hour before I go to sleep, so it will continue of twelve hours after this post is finished and expect excellent, calligraphic nametags for all. On another good note, tomorrow is Thursday, which means it's laundry day. For some unknown reason doing laundry makes me exponentially happier than any other time of the week, euphoric if you will.

This, thus, end this session of me typing letters into legible words upon my computer interface system. Ah, the unique adeptness of being able to turn the bland, the mundane into something verbose and histrionic. It's like accidently snorting some kind of spice from a chinese restaurant, no.

You may now applaud.

New Songs:
Burndt Jamb- Weezer
In The Garage- Weezer
A Whole New World- Aladdin (apparently I'm stupid and don't know the actual name of the song)

Burndt Jamb
The Scorcho 11:02 PM | 0 comments |