"Dear Daddy, I write you in spite of years of silence"

Saturday, January 28, 2006

"Wastin time, on my own/ Sleep, rescue me/ Take me back to my home"

The best Friday ever:

I started my Friday with some Badminton for about an hour before I headed off to catch some zzz.
I slept. It was good. I awoke. It sucked. Classes as usual. No breakfast as usual, which means I didn't eat until around 1pm. I finished class. I watched a scholarship competition aka Miss America. Boredom set in. I played 3-d tic-tac-toe. Chinese food was ordered. It was overpriced and they gave us the wrong sizes. We watched "Sphere". We watched "X-men". Boredom set in. We sat in the hall outside Wilson's room. We watched a Richard Simmons Disco workout tape, maybe I'll participate next time. I saved Richard Simmons from the VCR. Friday was over. A little more boredom. Watched "Mean Girls".

Definately not the most exciting of days but it does have a deeper meaning if you are willing to look for it and if you're not...well you can read the next sentence. When boredom sets in like this and you ask somebody, "What do you want to do?" and they answer, "I don't know," that is a sign, a sign of true friendship. It means you still want to be around them even when there is absolutely nothing to do. After today I feel that I can say that my friends at college are just as close as my friends back home. Before now they were still friends but it was still different then your friendship with the people you spent the last x years of life with.

So to those reading this depending on your side: you are now an equal or you have just been equaled. Congrats or suck it.

Phase 3 of the plan will now commence.

Dope Nose
The Scorcho 2:39 AM | 0 comments |

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"Take a listen/ Around you/ All the people/ That crowd around in your house"

Boredom has set in so I bring to you a special presentation of...

Possible names for future children:

And it's sunday and there is no henna tattoo so we'll just push that back a week.

Love Explosion
The Scorcho 11:53 PM | 0 comments |

"I write these stupid words/ And I love every one/ Waiting there for me/ Yes I do, I do"

Being back in college again makes me happy. I've grown accustom to it. Watching nineteen James Bond films straight makes me crazy. I've grown punnier from it. All in all it's made me a better person...somehow. I've decided to make a henna tattoo on my arm of a giant tree which WILL happen by Sunday; the details haven't been worked out yet.

Classes start later today and I'm forward to a good semester. Things to come this week:
Also I'm glad to report that my acquisition of an Xbox360 has made little impact on my dorm life thanks to the fact that I'm not telling every living soul about it or there would be twelve drunk guys in my room playing FIFA right now, something neither Jacob nor I need/want.

This blog will return
"Take a listen/ Around you/ All the people/ That crowd around in your house"

In The Garage
Weezer (The Blue Album)
The Scorcho 1:06 AM | 0 comments |

Saturday, January 07, 2006

"We will write a postcard/ To our friends and family"

Well, it's about time I updated this...since I've realised I can't type easily with a British accent, I'll forgo the whole idea. Unfortuneately I haven't a clue what to say, so we'll start with New Years. I predicted 2006 to be the year of the apocolypse and so far it seems to be going according to prophecy. The sun hasn't shown itself, I have driven my car off three driveways (update: one parking lot as well, and one more driveway), I lost to my mom at ping-pong and learned that I'm still being sued, fortuneately no one has yet died from any of these "Plagues".

A few good things:
I don't know that there's much more. It's been a pretty calm three weeks. Look for something exciting in the next week, because there will be something.

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to the First Level of Hell - Limbo!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Extreme
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)High
Level 7 (Violent)Low
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test
for your entertainment

Weezer (The Blue Album)
The Scorcho 1:26 AM | 2 comments |